For two years now, we have done the whole Elf on the Shelf thing.
Except ours isn't an elf. It's a reindeer. His name is Jingle.
The elf looks creepy to me. Yes, the elf is more flexible and you could probably do more things with it. Oh, and it is an ELF. Well, Reindeers can be elves too. Apparently......
At least in this house.
My little was asking this morning if Jingle was going to come down from the attic. Wait.....I just got that. Does she think it is a Christmas decoration??? are some situations our Jingle found hiself in.
The first two pictures are how he appeared both years.....
Year One....he just showed up in our was magic from then on out.
The 2nd year he thought he would help decorate the tree...and he apparently needed a little help, so he used lots of stacking devices.
tsk, tsk....trying to take money from my wallet
Watching Elf....popcorn, syrup, m&m's, tootsie rolls
Looks like a little parade was going on...guest feature with Rudolph

I guess he decided to check out the whole painted nails thing.
....little bit of wii time
Where IS Jingle?
Playing a little bit of Black Ops
My little must have sneezed on him......feeling a little under the weather
Reading to friends
Seeing what it feels like to be a penguin for the day
"Listen up class, today we will be learning about maps"
Somebody had a craving for a popscicle.....or maybe it just felt like home
He needed some hot chocolate to warm himself up after spending the day in the freezer.
Playing cards with friends
They are looking a little tipsy after all that sugar consumption.
Where do you think you are going?
"Leaving on a jet plane and taking the misfits with me."
That's more like it.....feel free to wrap as many presents as you would like.
More game time with friends....Hungry Hungry Hippo
so sweet.....trying to help make teacher treats.....or was he eating them????
Singing Christmas carols OR playing Godzilla??
Bath time (first year)
Bath time in the sink (2nd year)
Peace out with some Christmas Tunes
Very Very cute! I see we have a new card competitor! Does he like Farkle or Doodle Dice? :) :) Hope he likes our Christmas cupcakes and deer sticks! Oooops ....did I just day deer? Ahh...venison? wild game? road kill? Sorry Jingles! We won't do that to you! Have fun with our girls!
ReplyDeleteHaha, your comments made me laugh - Thanks!!!